UI Stuff
Login UI & Review UI
Keybinds to quickly access Reviews, Reports, Votes and Shop have all been shifted by 1 to avoid further conflict with our Login News UI.
Review UI and Login News should no longer both appear when pressing the keybind for the Login UI screen.
Login MotD
Our MotD has been shortened to no longer display everything our News UI includes.
MotD's will now only display the name of our server and any currently active event rate changes that differ from our Login News UI.
This should also prevent an overlap between the two UI's, making it difficult to read.
MotD display time has been reduced from 30s down to 15s as well.
Website Link
This will now take you directly to the Website News page rather than the homepage.
Since you're accessing from in-game, we suspect you already know all the fun information on the website's homepage anyway.
Featured Tab
This new tab in our UI will rotate once a week or so with a new Featured image and the corresponding Tribe/Player.
This is our way of highlighting builds, people, tames and events and sharing them back with you all!
Cluster Updates
- Voting has been enabled for our Svartalfheim server!
- Additional Server Restart has been added.
- Due to the amount of Memory Usage servers are using due to over spawning in Caves and other issues, we've added one additional restart in the middle of the week to help combat the climbing Memory Usage and lag.
- This mid-week restart is without a Dino-Wipe.
- Due to the amount of Memory Usage servers are using due to over spawning in Caves and other issues, we've added one additional restart in the middle of the week to help combat the climbing Memory Usage and lag.
We Learned...
Transferring a character between servers takes your tribe with you!
- This means that your Tribe exists across the cluster, totally and completely! You won't be needing to create a whole new Tribe and invite your Tribe-mates for each map we offer. Isn't that awesome!
- It doesn't matter which member transfers first, entire tribe-data is taken with a character when the tribe-data doesn't exist already. So whether you're a Tribe Owner, Admin or Recruit your Tribe and all it's Settings are transferred with you if your Tribe has yet to go to the new server.
Server Settings
- Admin Logging has been turned OFF.
- Based on the votes have this shut-off and no follow-up was provided we decided to go ahead with the initial vote results and disable this. Admin commands will no longer print to chat when used in-game (Pending server restart)
Shiny! Adjustments
- Added the following Ability Types:
- Lunar
- Frozen
- Burning
- Spectral
- Filthy
- Altered possible level range in which they can spawn
- 50 - 180 up from 5 - 150
- Tweaked Spawn Frequency
- Enraged can now spawn up to 1.5x higher than other Shiny's
- Enabled Ability to gain/collect Essences